WE WELCOMe you...YES!!!!....YOU!!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

bye bye 2010...welcome to 2011...

Assalamualaikum...dan salam Satu Malaysia wat semua.......
pembaca setia blog Dj Freddy...dan juga pendengar2 radio Cats.fm...."yours local choice !!!"...
yah...klaka org puteh aluu......haha..anyway..spt biasa...sya selaku P.A  Freddy akan menyampaikan amanat beliau untuk tahun menjelang 2011...(wahh waah.....ada amanat indah..hahha)

Ok..sebelom itu..mok ajak rasa nya kita mdah...2010 telah berlalu dgn cemerlang.. wpun ada pelbagai onak duri mahupun cabaran yang dihadapi....tapi..it all settle down bebehhy...heheh.. ok laa.. semuanya bait2 jak.. nang udah asam garam kehidupan kita giaa,,,kan kan...??

Dan kita teroos melangkah setatak maju lagi kehadapan..dngn mmberi tumpuan ruang atmosfera 2011 yang bakal menjelang beberapa jam shaja lagi..uumm..??? insyaAllah.Freddy dan bidang profesioalisme nya akan teroos di gilap di Cats.fm.. dan kita juga turut mngharapkn agar pendengar2.....kaum kerabat....dak geng2x...heng palak..and..ta lupak mayau @ meeoow di rumah..agar sentiasa nyokong fReddy....haha ( pada pusak di rumah..jgn tauk nak berak atas Tilam empukkk freDDy jakk.....hahhahahha..mucuk2...)..

crita2 pasal smbutan 2011...emm..?? apa agak nya frEddy akan lakukan untuk smbutan 2011 nie nnti.. jenng jengg jeng.....ta leh bgtaw dulu di sini..suprise.. well..mmg ade plan dah untuk mlm ini.. aallaah..korang pulak...apa yang ktk org polaah..?...mun da dinner2 ya..jemput2 freDDy dan P.A nya...hahahah.. ok..sekian dolok untuk entry kali ini.. Insya Allah...da msa terluang..kita bjumpa lagi... Ok..adiioss... bye2...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

JUst aDDed NEw PiXxa..

waHHH..beraksi..bukan berak basi..hahah

baah..PosiNg Dj kita Tok...tpi cmareman ya nang pndey ambil angel...heheh

skli Gik..nice angle....
Dj Ameer ( P.A Freddy..) wiht "Bro Happy".....

iT me...P.A Freddy...

ok la..that all..bye bye

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baru Balik dri Bintulu..skrg di Miri

hahahah..just want to put some pIxxa...

Park City Everly Hotel, Bintulu

at Lobby....nie dekat cafe side....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kini..Freddy Dan Ameer "super duper casanova" at Bintulu..

hye guy..
just want to inform that Freddy and Ameer at Bintulu...
see you guy there..
very tired for along journey just now..
just aRRive at Bintulu Kingtown In Hotel
later i attact some pixxa here. [P.A..@ Ameer]

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Well... Freddy at Sibu The Swan City riGht Now!!!

Salam..Hai guys..

Sekarang Freddy di bandar Sibu bagi menghadiri  program yang berlangsung di sana.
iaitu Toyota Hilux Tour 2010,

Freddy ditemani oleh P.A nyer..dan juga gandingan bersama untuk program ini.
Seawal pagi berangkat dari Kuching ke Sibu menggunakan flight pada jam 10.30am.
Dan tiba di Sibu Sekitar 11.10am..perghh sekejap jek smpi..ta Puas gie nak borak2 dlm flight.
Di Sibu pula kami berada Di Hotel Victoria Inn.. W/pun hotel buget, tapi everything just fine..
KAmi enjoy disana. Nikmati la beberapa gambar untuk hari pertama. ~~DAaaa~~

( iNie gambar hari pertama....hahha...mngade jek..)
 wahh...wahh ...waahh..Freddy posiNg maaauuutttt....

haha..P.A psingg lebIh mauuut..hihihih

gambar nie menarik...hehe..tgk laa sape yang aMbik gmbr???
hehehe....sekitar bandar Sibu...

Sibu waterfront....lelah berjalan smpe ke ctok..hahahhaa..tapi tettaaaapp enJoy

GAmbar air sungai Rejang yang surut..huhuh

Ok..itu shaja untuk hari pertama..Tunggukan entry seterusnye..tq.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

HAvIng a Dinner At Heritage Restaurant, Jalan Nanas Kuching

mlm tdi having a diNner at HeritagE Restaurant.
Yang sempAt bersama smlm ialah Dj Freddy, Bo Odie (Driver tegar),
Joyce RAbiNg ( bibik rumah Freddy), Mag@ Francis Julia ( Tukang simpan duit ) and me mYself. (P.A Freddy meranGkap manager )..
Blom ada gmbr..lau ade mse kmi attach ea.. bye sume.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

P.A busy deNgan program and FuncTion...

Salam..haha.. notHing much to write here..

Just tO tell  that i`m Too busy with my worK and pracTical...

Plus eXtra wOrk from My Diva artist..Mr Freddy..


To all readers....eNjOy yours daY... be HappY OwEz... lalaallaalla..

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Nak Tauk biodata Dj Freddy ???? Jom2..

Assalamualaikum ...dan salam satu Malaysia.....hehe..
I`m P.A Freddy Fernandez...Check me Out on fb ( contactdeameer@gmail.com)..

Ok la kengkawan..meh saye crita sapakah  Dj Freddy Fernandez nieh ngn Korunk..
nak tau?? Jom2.... emm..crite saye leh paki ke taaa?? mm..terpulang kpd Korunk untuk menilainye...
tapi sudah semestinya..fakta dan Bukti yg sahih ini akan meyakinkan anda.. btol ta..

EMMm ..saye nak crita pasal ape ekk??
Kali nie biar sye crita latar belakang Dj Freddy secara ringkas ..Dan saya mngenali Dj Freddy smenjak
dibangKu skolah lagi...so..mmG mcm2 ragam yang tercATit dlm memori saye teNtang die..baekpun rkn2 di skolah..

Asal Freddy nie kami bukan panggil name nye freddy..tapi Feejay.. Tapi smnjak jd Dj radio nie..name kena la UBah...nak faNcy menCy ckeet..heheh..
Beliau berasal daerah Pakan, Sarikei..kalu Ikut sejarah..dulu die berseKOlah rendah di skolah rendah berasrama..yelah...Time Tuh kwsan disana mmaksa mereka untuk tggal di asrama..supaya pljaran ta tganggu..

Then..dpt result yang baik dlm UPSR..5A..jdi beliau mnyambuNg pelajaran ke Sekolah Menengah Sains Kuching..dekat Malihah.... Memang byk aktiviti yang disertai di skolah nie..yang paling ta dpt dilupakan beliau mnyertai Orchestra  (Scatz Orchestra) skolah diperingkat kebangsaan..then tros mencapai kjayaan mendapat anugerah Perak..splw mnamatkan SPM dgn putusan yang mberangsangkan..beliau myambung pelajaran ke Universiti Teknologi Mara.

Dj Freddy di SMS, Kuching semasa di tingkatan 5..berbaju merah..
tuh die Dj Freddy...berbaju melayu...bersama rakan2 pengajian...
Semasa aktiviti Adventerous Campus...

Semasa di UiTM ..mengambil jurusan Sains Gunaan then swicth to bidang MassCom..Kerana minat lebih menjurus untuk berada dalam bidang penyiaran.Beliau terus succes slepas tamat pengajiaan dan ditawarkan menjadi Assistant Producer untuk filem Apai Saloi The Movie...dan filem tersebut juga menjadi buah mulut org ramai kerana itulah Filem Iban pertama ditayangkan di Pawagam.

Barisan Pelakon Baru dari Sarawak dicungkil bakat dlm Apai Saloi The Movie

Akhirnya..pada awal tahun 2010..beliau mendapat tawaran untuk menjadi penyampai radio di Cats.fm
dalam segmen penyampai iban..dan sehingga kini beliau terus cemerlang dalam bidang kerjayanya..

Well itu la die..dj Freddy kita..kalau ada kesempatan..Saya akan tmbahkan lagi beberapa in fo mengenai beliau..Ok..Thanks Guys.. -P.A Freddy-

Radio Penyiar : Cats.fm

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Some PiXXa goiNg arOund

Jom snap2 gmbr artis kita.. Dj Freddy bersama kengKwan and pminat.. =)
eNjoy It
(Freddy sYok makan..nie aktiviti kegemaran nya tok..)

                                        (fReddy dipaksa makan birthday cakes...nya udah meluak..)
                                          (freddy di lokasi...)

                                         ( Freddy bersama Member2 secampus....)

*Gambar sumbangan Oleh Qarl Teddy....
Facebook : Qarl Teddy`s

By : Personnal Assistant (P.A)

Friday, October 22, 2010

MornIng SatUrday..let Talk abOut FabOlOUs!!!

ThIs mOrnIng I receive 2 misscall froM Dj Freddy..
But i did`t realize it as i`m busy doing my stuff..
haha..aku ignore jek laaa.....i know kelak agik mesti nya KOl aku agik..hihi
after i (personnal assistan to Dj Freddy ) come to my office/half day work for today..
seem i get another call from him..yahhh..alu bukak crita alu cdak..

Nya pdah theme untuk website tok mOk ala`ala "fabOloUs and BeAuty.."
emm..apa crita disebalik maksud phrase ya.?? im thinking myself..
"YAhhhh..brujk ko tauk..maksud nya amat trendY and fanCCy for new Era..." kata Dj Freddy..
"Bah..apa ya sulu..enti nuan nadai mdah ka aku..nie aku tauk..tapi mun basic kenmyak ulih ku mdah..tapi enti ku mpun mok tauk mksd ari nuan pun.." ..aku mjwb dngn sleng Iban yg ta brapa fasih..
"its simple and easy..it all about Men and ladies"..jwb nya.. so..
I`ll try to fix in the request to renovate this Website as been mention..

But,,juh kita tgga mksud faboLous from wikipedia...OIPPs..sik jumpa..
so gmbr FabOlOus ada..haha..Tgga gmbr jak kita.. Ok.




well..sekian..itu sahaja untuk ketika ini..BuBBye..

Sejarah Cats.fm..Jom sapa Mok tauk..bacalah...

Ok..dalam enjoy2 kita seharian..mok juak bukak bicara untuk blog entry kali tok..
Em..tapi kerana busy dengan urusan peribadi dan hal keja....tulisan sendiri sik dapat dolok untuk di engkah dlm entry kali tok. Tapi bagi sik menghampakan dearest reader..jadi i Just giive information abOut my work place...
Cats.fm... Jom ikuti kisah sejarah mensia dolok marek..keyh..

8th August 1996, CATS Radio - East Malaysia’s first and only private radio station was launched. Wholly owned by Kristal Harta Sdn. Bhd.,CATS Radio operates 24 hours from its permanent building located at Jalan Bako, Kuching.

At the helm of the organization is our Chairman - Tan Sri Datuk Amar Hj Bujang Mohd Nor with the Board of Directors comprising of Puan Hanifah Hajar Taib Alsree, Dato Ibrahim Mahmud and Puan Anisa Chan Abdullah.
Keeping abreast with time, CATS Radio changed its name to ‘CATS FM’ while maintaining its famous tagline ‘Just For You’. This reflects the diversity of its programs that cater to the Sarawak society with its own personal touch.

The station covers the whole state of Sarawak through its transmitters located at strategic locations and can even be heard in certain parts of Labuan, Brunei and Kalimantan.
CATS FM’s first day started with a big bang, notably with the presence of our PM, Dato Sri Dr Mahathir Mohammad who spent almost 2 hours at the station and interviewed ‘live’ on air.

CATS FM is equipped with some of the most advanced equipment in ensuring a smooth broadcast of programs to listeners. The main control room or MCR, which supervises the transmission of programs round the clock, further supports this.
CATS FM is headed by its General Manager Hj. Mohd Iskandar Hj. Mohd Nawawi and supported by the various departments such as Program, Marketing, Admin & Finance, Production And Engineering.

CATS FM programming philosophy, simply stated is “MORE MUSIC LESS TALK”. Programming contents is 70% music 30% talk and listeners are presented with the very best popular music available with current news and interesting information.
CATS FM is known for its casual presentation style with frequent airplay of chart topping hits from different genres. Listeners are presented with numerous interesting programs round the clock.

CATS FM programs reflect a vibrant station for lively Sarawakians from different walks of life and age group, with the ultimate mix of music and info, quality presentation and credible news.
While not compromising its role in providing continuous music and entertainment with sprinkling of info and news, IT ALSO HIGHLIGHTS AND EMPHASIZES ON LOCAL ISSUES. This makes Cats Fm a closely local radio station that touches Sarawakians.

CATS FM continues to get as close as possible to its audience, both on air and on the ground. The station also plays it part as a caring corporate citizen by participating in or organizing charity programs, and also organizes visits to welfare homes as part of its annual activities.
Apart from its role as a broadcasting station, CATS FM also embarked on promotional drives and awareness programs, to strengthen its position.

Joint projects are done with recording companies and established companies for promotions and showcases. Worth mentioning were the Nescafe-Antap tours 1997/98, 99 and 2000 plus ‘Konsert Hanya Untukmu……CATS FM 2001’ conducted throughout Sarawak, from Miri to Kuching. These tours brought big names in the local entertainment scene plus promoting CATS FM and its sponsor. The tours were filled with electrifying performances to venue packed audiences.

CATS FM is ready to face the challenges to come, bracing bravely the expectations of its listeners and the people of Sarawak.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

WELcome To My Page 2010

Thanks to all...
This website still running the build contruction..
May I have your patient to wait the entry...
Thanks for yor support!!!!!

My Schedule ;-
FREDDY J Bujang Lang Ngindang Nabur Menua...Di CATS FM SELEKSI MENUA KITAI
1) Rentak Ruai-Khamis
2) Rentak Ruai- Jumaat
3) Cats Ujung Minggu- Ahad